The darkness you are seeing rising up in the world has always been there. It has just been hidden behind the veils of illusion and manipulation. We have now entered a time where everything that has been hidden is revealing itself. The darkness is being pushed to the surface to be acknowledged.
Humanity is no longer able to deny it or sweep it under the carpet. The hate, fear and violence allow us to become painfully aware of our individual and collective imbalances. It brings to the forefront the deception and manipulations to separate the masses, whether it is religious, race, sexual orientation, political or the masculine & feminine principal. The fractures of our society are now obviously clear.
This gives us a beautiful opportunity to see clearly, all the imbalances, all the unhealed aspects within ourselves and the mass consciousness.
If we continue to react profoundly to incidents that we witness or fed by a controlled media, we will miss the opportunity to heal and resolve the imbalances within our society and within ourselves.
It is important to resist the temptation to immediately react or get caught up in the drama. Take a moment to breathe and release any fear filters to avoid a default or unconscious programmed reaction.
It becomes beneficial to discern, evaluating our choices in our response to such events or triggers. If we immediately react out of anger, fear or over emotional, then we have taken the outside trigger personally and our ego is already engaged and entangled.
The ego then pursues at all costs to be right based upon a past conditioned response. Never allowing an opportunity to address or resolve the immediate situation from a different perspective.
Through the challenges in today's world, we must detach from immediate involvement, taking time to consciously engage in a different manner, trusting our intuition, allowing new insights and avenues of resolution to show us an objective way to move forward individually and collectively.
Everyone wishes to be acknowledged, heard and given ample opportunity to fair treatment and ultimately acceptance. Only through love and compassion can we move into seeing and understanding another's perspective.
As a society and a mass consciousness, we need a time out to breathe, to re-access our priorities and consciously choose to work together to bridge the gaps through communication, patience and understanding.
If you wish to be heard, then listen. If you wish to be respected, then respect others. If you wish to find peace, find a reflection of yourself within the other. If you wish to find love, then be willing to be vulnerable.
Every soul upon this planet is a reflection of each other. One planetary family, one divine family for each is a reflection and aspect of the divine itself.
It is through our remembrance of our divinity, that we shall see the beauty in the diversity of all that we are. Each reflection a single thread within the tapestry of life.
As we love and honor others, we love and honor ourselves.
Choose Love ~♥~ Live Consciously