The divine intention of the ego was to be an alert system to protect the physical body.
The divine intention of the mental process was to memorize experiences and utilize those memories as reference points to come to logic conclusions and resolutions based on past experiences.
The divine intention of the heart was the central intelligence of our being utilizing all the informational systems to discern and move in a direction of your highest good in alignment with love and your divine truth.
Over time because of the struggles and harshness of the 3D reality the heart pulled back giving away it's power and authority, imprisoning itself behind walls of protection.
This was how the illusion of seperation was created.
Now, we have entered a time of awakening, a time of moving into new energies where we do not have the memories or reference points to base our logical and mental processes.
The heart is once more waking up, reclaiming it's power and authority. The mental processing and ego feel disvalued due to the inability to understand the new energies. They are attempting to hold on to their perceptions of controll and protection. This will not work in the new energies.
Only through the heart intelligence will understanding, discernment and new creative resolution be born. The ego must return to it's original divine intention of being an alert system ... notifying the heart and mental process of physical danger. The mental process will realign submitting all past insights and knowledge to the heart for all considerations. The heart will gather all information, discern and align itself with that which serves your highest good in accordance to the divine will and your soul's desire. The heart will translate all this back to the body, mind and spirit as an intuitive feeling to navigate through the new energies and experiences .
It is our responsibility to listen and trust within that intuitive guidance.
It is only through allowing your heart to guide you, that one will be able to move forward fearlessly, allowing one to embrace the unknown, the new possibilities and our divine potentials through love.
Choose Love ~<3~ Live Consciously