Simply step away from all over stimulus and begin to breathe. Focus on deeper in breaths, holding the breath for a moment and slowing exhaling. As your breathing becomes rhythmic begin to breath in love, peace and balance feeling it move through every atom and cell of your being. Breathe in love and exhale any stress, tension or worries. Move this through the physical body, emotional body, mental & pain body and finally through all energetic and spiritual bodies. Call fourth through intention, that all fields re-align, re-calibrate into a unified field of living love as you continue to breathe.
Bring your focus into your heart and feel it begin to expand and the love filling within it. Visualize love emanating from the depths of your heart radianting out. Through thought intention merge your heart with the divine sovereign heart of Mother Earth. Feel your connection to the Earth and all life upon her. Merge your heart with the divine sovereign heart of our sun and feel the warmth of the sun moving through you. Merge your heart with the divine sovereign heart of the galaxy and the universe, feeling the love and support of the universe moving through you. Merge your heart with your complete divinity and all that you are with the intention of unifying all that you are into a unified field of living love and eternal living light. Feel your divinity flowing to you and through you.
Feel your expansion, feel your connection to all that is through the unified field of love. Then merge your heart with the heart of the Eternal Sacred Source. Feel the connection to source energy and feel the love, the sacredness and all that you are flow through you.
Allow yourself a moment to simply be and resonate with all that you are.
Ask that all your electro-magnetic fields be realigned to your perfect balance and wellness. Deep breath in and then blow it out. Feel your energy fields shift and balance out.
Again, allow yourself a moment to resonate with the new energies and experience.
Ask your body consciousness to anchor, lock and seal this feeling into every atom and cell. Allow the energy to replenish and recharge your being. Anchor the unified field of love, peace and divine perfection within all that you are. Breathe this command through your entire being and body, down into the divine sovereign heart of Mother Earth, asking her to assist you in balancing and stablizing your new energy fields to hers. Feel the shift within your energies and breathe it out.
Tune into your body and feel the difference.
As you acclimate to this new state, please take a moment to listen to your heart, your intuition, comtemplate all that you hold sacred, all that is important to you, all that you are grateful for and all the blessings within your life and simply send out love and gratitude.
When it feels appropiate, slowly re-enter your mundane world carrying this tranquility and inner peace deep within you. Allow your beauty and your light to be shared within the world.
Choose Love ~♥~ Live Consciously