As the world watches the epic battles of polarized energies play out. Many are still lost, fearful and unintentionally giving away their power. The war machine and military complex is moving quickly to gain and capture your attention as the rest of the world begins to awaken and protest the injustices plaguing humanity.
As we watch the controlled main stream media, we are inadated with stories and images of terror, tragedy and fear. This is the illusion we all have been caught up in. It is propaganda and a means to controll the populice through fear and psycologic manipulation. As we watch in horror, feeling powerless to take action, the threat to not only a nation but to humanity and the planet itself continues beneath the surface without aknowledment or awareness by many.
Truths are surfacing all around us, misinformation and falsehoods are being thrown into the mix twice as quickly as the truth arises. The planned manipulation is to confuse the masses so they seek refuge and guidance outside of themselves, giving the manipulators the opportunity to appear as saviors.
Understand, the outside world is the illusion, it is never as it appears and only through research, educating oneself and seeking truth and guidance within shall one find their way. In order to make educated and conscious decisions we must be willing to open our minds and our hearts to letting go of our previous entrainments of thought and beliefs. What we have been taught on many levels was limiting and not neccasarily true, or in our highest good. Discernment is the key. The willingness to unlearn and let go of all we thought we knew and to trust within oneself will be the vechile of awakening. Only then can we move into our empowerment and stand within our truth.
I was once told within divine communion,
"When humanity takes responsibility and accountability for every thought and action individually and collectively, there will be no need for me." said the darkness - the illusion of separation.
It is more often through our fear or laziness we automatically default and allow others to take our power in exchange for the illusions of security, acceptance or abundance.
If you realize the danger in giving away your power and not consciously making choices or creating with intention, you would never feel powerless again.
We live in a world where most of us have given our power away in some form or another. We brought into the illusion, personally and collectively. This is the crisis that has created all the evil, ugliness and horror in the world today.
Yes, there are controllers and manipulators who have seen the opportunity and seized it. But, they only did so due to the people giving away their power. The reality unfolding in your personal world, in your country and on the world stage took the power of every heart and soul upon the planet individually and collectively to create.
Many are awakening and seeing beyond the illusions. Many are trying to awaken others and educate them. Others are awakening to anger and frustration. All of these are indicators where we are in our transition and transformation.
If we accept our personal responsibility, embrace our power, discern and reset our default programming to being aware and conscious of all information, impacts and influences before we make a decision, support or fight any cause, react to events or information, we can shift our realities individually and collectively.
Move all decision making from the ego filters and entrained programs of the old paradigm to moving into conscious alignment with your heart and soul, serving your highest good through love and the highest good of all through all directions of time/space.
Every heart and soul upon the planet at this time will be giving a choice and how we choose or react, by consciousness or default will impact every other person upon this planet, every life form and the planet itself.
The choices that shall arise, shall be the future of humanity and of this planet. The Earth is moving into a higher frequency galactically, we must move into a higher awareness and potential within ourselves.
We can choose fear, continue to give our power away and allow the manipulators to seize the default choice or we can empower ourselves and others.
We are in a time of great change, be aware of the game, the bigger pictures. Listen to your inner guidance, move forward consciously with the wisdom of knowing your value, your power, the influence and impact upon the whole. Embrace all that you are, your gifts and live from your heart, utilizing your power within your highest potential and the highest good of all.
Choose Love ~ <3 ~ Live Consciously