Through self discovery, seeking within and loving ourselves can we find the
courage to peel back the projections and expectations of others.
This allows us the opportunity to see the bigger pictures, understand our roles and
how we created our own realities through default programming. The programs
of old, we seek validation, love and acceptance outside of ourselves in a world
that taught us to devalue the very nature of our being, others and the world we
live in.
Through appreciating our own uniqueness and gifts we find our value, we begin
to see through the illusions of the outside world. We begin to see the illusions
created by our default programming and giving our power away. We begin to see
the projections and how we have been entrapped in these old paradigms. This is
simply a mirror imagine guiding us to our salvation through divine reflection.
Through conscious choice we can disengage in such programs. Through our own
healing, self forgiveness and understanding do we learn the truest meaning of
who we are, the love within oneself and the return to our divine sovereignty.
Through accepting our own responsibility and understanding the natural evolution
of our heart and soul, we can forgive, heal and see through expanded
insight. As we embrace our truth, heal, love ourselves, we find the
love and support of the divine and the universe working within our lives.
We become a light for others through our own awakening. We can love and
reflect back to them their own divinity, we can plant seeds of awareness and
share in our own experiences. But most importantly we can be an example, a
reflection of new possibilities. This is when we implement all we have
learned and experienced, and through humble compassion begin to share our
living light with the world.
We now become conscious co-creators of our own reality. As we
consciously create our personal realities, we must realize the affect our
presence and energies have upon the whole.
It is through our own awakening, our conscious evolution and choosing love we
will manifest new possibilities, realities and change the world we live in.
Choose Love ~ Live Consciously