The areas not in balance or not within the vision we have for ourselves, simply means there are still opportunities to evolve, grow and heal any imbalances within ourselves, change our own perceptions and shift our experiences.
It is through these lessons we learn to be accountable, take on responsibility and co-create our own reality and manifestations. We can choose to create through default programming or through conscious intention. The more conscious we become the easier it becomes to shift experiences and manifest peace and balance within our lives. As we change from within, our outer reality shall shift to reflect our inner world. As we shift and allow our love and light to shine, we reflect new possibilities for those around us. This will cause a wave of love, light and consciousness to shift individually and collectively allowing multiple opportunities for new realities.
Choose Love ~♥~ Live Consciously
© Diane Finn 2014. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided
with author and copyright information included. Thank You.