Within the new vibrational frequencies and the expanded awareness being birthed, comes an unfoldment and a new way of being.
Seek not outside yourself, but within.
You are one with everything in the universe. Everything within the universe lays dormant within you. Awaken and realize the power, wisdom and potentials that exist within you.
You are a direct link to the Eternal Sacred Source, for you are a reflection of divinity itself. There is no separation, only those that mind and ego conceives and binds us through old programming, thought patterns and limiting beliefs.
This is not limited within your reality but all polarized holograms and matrixes. Those whom you view as gods are also bound by such limitations within the illusions of separation. They too have perceived the separation from source and moved into their own self imposed prisons of limitations through misaligned beliefs.
All consciousness of this reality and it's associates must increase their vibrational frequencies, release their limited perceptions and beliefs to evolve into new awareness, liberating oneself from the illusions of separation and transcend limitation into new ways of being. Through the realization of our interconnection with creation and the sacredness of all life, we move into unity.
The old paradigm, the old ways are no longer effective for man, god or creation within this reality. As we move into new fields of universal energies and potentials all of our reality shall shift, birthing new paradigms and divine truths.
Leave behind personal agendas, selfishness, judgments and all old thought forms and beliefs that bind us to the duality of darkness and light. The call is to return to the unified fields of living love, healing the duality of our own consciousness and the separation within ourselves. As we raise our vibrational frequencies and expand our awareness, we begin to transcend. All of our wounds are exposed, all imbalances and misperceptions are revealed to be heal within ourselves and within our world.
As we heal, we transcend the old paradigms, ascending to our true nature, we mature spiritually reclaiming our divine birth rights and divine sovereignty. We return to our mastership within the unified fields of living love and the oneness of our own divinity.
Choose Love ~♥~ Live Consciously