The current energetic upgrades are intense. We are being upgraded and re calibrated on multiple levels. Many of these experiences are difficult to manage and article.
Last week, I had a single day where I woke up with a low grade fever and felt achy through out my body. I intuitively knew I wasn't sick, but experiencing ascension symptoms and consciously choose to listen to my body and take a down day. I slept most of the day and simply allowed my process. The next day, I was back to perfect health.
Over the holiday, I was balanced, connected and feeling blissful.
Then this week, I woke on Wednesday morning to heart palpitations and my heart skipping a beat or two. A little concerned, as I did have a heart attack 10 years ago. I immediately tuned in, to feel new energies flooding my body. As I continued to intuit my heart, I felt the electro-magnetic field around my heart flip. My divine teams came in and advised me not to let my previous heart attack, imprint or allow any of the old energies of that experience to overlay my current experience. I began to do breath work to subdue my fear, moving myself energetically into the present moment.
Moving myself into the present moment resulted in an immediate opening of my heart, an expansion of consciousness and the increase of frequency. Emotionally, I felt vulnerable but safe.
My empathy became hyper-sensitive. I could feel my electro-magnetic fields spinning, resulting in nausea and dizziness.
I merged my heart with Mother Earth's heart to assist me in stabilizing and balancing myself. With my best efforts, I had minimal results.
My intuition knew this would be another down day. But, I had a class planned that evening and the mental aspect was convinced that this may be the pre-work and downloads for the class.
As the day progressed, my ability to do simple mundane things became overly taxing. My ability to intuitively check in became null and void, as I was unplugged psychically at this part of the process.
I was guided to lay down and take a nap, my little healers gathered around me (my cats) and began to run energy. As I drifted off I could feel the love and support of both sides of the veil. I did have dreams and visions, but have no words to describe what I had seen.
As I awoken, I was guided to cancel my class and simply surrender to my process completely.
The rest of the day, I simply allowed myself to be .... to sit within the expanded energies and allow the process to engulf me. I knew intuitively, that I was acclimating to the new energies and was bridging the energies between this reality and another which is being birthed.
New possibilities and moments of awe danced in and out of my consciousness. Moments of new awareness and ah-ha moments came and went.
That evening new insights and messages came, some anchored into my consciousness, others a glimpse and assigned an energetic frequency that will release the information within divine timing. There was no need to know what the information was, just a simple acceptance.
I realized this process wasn't only about upgrades from an energetic perspective, but the ability to surrender completely to my own divinity, to trust in my process, to embrace my uncomfortably and to move beyond my own limitations.
2017 was all about releasing all that was out of balance with our truth and our highest good. 2018 is about surrendering to our divinity, allowing our soul to move us forward. Allowing our re-birth and trusting within the process(es).
This experience was the beginning of an ebbing, waves allowing more of all that we are to integrate and acclimate. Bringing fourth our purpose, our gifts and the ability to wield our power through our divinity. It is a journey of remembering our authenticity and returning to our natural state.
I was guided to share this experience, to help those who are currently experiencing similar upgrades and for those those who will in the near future.
To all light workers, healers and gate keepers .... listen to your intuition and body consciousness, trust within your guidance and allow yourself your own processes. Take the time needed and make it a priority. It is truly important to honor yourselves and your process at this time.
Our consciousness and unique gifts will be called upon to assist the masses in the sudden and upcoming changes. You are the light houses within the storm.
Choose Love ~♥~ Live Consciously