Are we evolving and outgrowing old situations, patterns, beliefs, people and expectations.
We are raising our vibrational frequencies and the old energies are falling away, but most of us continue to sweep things under the carpet and prefer deniability. We are resistant to change and letting go or moving outside of our comfort zones. Hence, we create more and more stress and challenges in our own life. This deniability is no longer acceptable and the current energies are forcing us to look at things and review all aspects of our life.
If we are moving through challenges or crisis in the following areas:
* Family, Friends & Relationships - are the energies balanced, are we being honored and is our time and energy invested being returned. Are we giving our power away? Are we standing in our truth or carrying the expectations and projections of others? Are we seeking approval or enabling codependent situations? Are you settling and over compromising?
* Career - are we feeling valued? Is there a fair and equal exchange? Are we working for finances verses doing what we love? Are we settling for fear of change? Are we being true to ourselves? Are we bored and outgrowing our situation?
* Illness - are we taking the time to care for ourselves? Are we loving ourselves and making ourselves a priority in our own lives? Are we listening to our body consciousness? Are we poisoning the body knowingly or unknowingly? Are we getting enough exercise, hydration, sun and fresh air? Are we taking the needed down time? Are we relaxing the body, mind and spirit? Are we balanced in all areas of our life?
* Where are our thoughts and focus? What are we creating with intention or through old default programming?
You are in the process of un-entangling and unraveling everything you created, shattering all the illusions and walking where you never walked before: this can be fearful and overwhelming. When we stumble or fall, it's generally a pause for us to review and realign our intentions and directions.
Life is ever changing. As we move through some incredible times and accelerated energies, we are evolving much quicker and in ways far beyond anything we previously experienced. We are outgrowing all the old energies, limitations and imbalances within our lives.
We are being asked to step out of our comfort zones, walk away from the old conventional ways of doing things to honor ourselves. To return to the essence of our truth and that which resonates within.
It is time to trust within, to return to your inner guidance and allow your soul to guide you to new avenues of being and self expression. Honoring yourself and bringing deeper understanding and balance within. As you evolve and peel back all the fear and limitations, you will reveal a new way of being. This creates new dreams and manifests higher potentials for yourself and all those around you.
Choose Love ~ Live Consciously