Please read this letter while you’re alone and in a place of peace and serenity.
The words that follow comes from a higher place of divine love & living light.
I ask that you allow my words not to encircle your mind, but to be felt deeply within your heart of hearts. Allow yourself the trust to open your heart enough to feel the truth and allow it to resonate within your being. I realize this is not easy for you. But I can promise you my intentions are pure and come from a place of love and sincere concern.
I cannot tell you what events or experiences have led you here. You’re quickly approaching a critical time within your life. A time where you are re-evaluating your thoughts, beliefs, dreams, hopes and fears. There seems to be emptiness within your heart or a void within your life that has bought this on.
I have seen and felt your sadness, your fears and even your pain. But, I have also seen your true being. You’re an incredible being of light, love and compassion. But this seems to be hidden from your conscious self by fears and barriers of protection. The same wall you put into place to protect your-self from being hurt has become your self-imposed prison.
When I look past those walls I see a small child - innocent by nature, afraid to live and truly experience the wonders of life. It is only through an open heart can one truly experience life and ultimate happiness. Without allowing love and joy into our inner most being, we drain ourselves of hope and dreams.
I realize you’ve been deeply hurt, that on some level you perceive love with pain. That what you seek the most, is usually our biggest fear. Every person upon this planet desperately wishes to be loved and accepted. It is also our biggest prohibitor. The fear of rejection, are we truly lovable and are we deserving of true love?
It is the absence of love, the perception of rejection and our own feelings of unworthiness that allows this belief. These are all illusions. We are always loved. Love surrounds us on every level. And Yes, We all are completely worthy and deserving. This is our basic birthright.
We’ve been brought up in a society that evaluates our self worth and success on our job, our education, our financial statements, and the car we drive, the house we live in, material possessions, social status and physical beauty.
These in reality are not what defines us as who we truly are.
We are a product of our thoughts, beliefs and what we hold dear to our hearts. Our validation of self-worth and love must be determined from within. It does not come from the outside world.
Our greatest gifts are the ability to love others and our selves.
More often, people identify love with their own ideas and expectations.
Love is limitless; it knows no space or time and continues into eternity. It is not something we capture but experience. We always receive the love we put out. Sometimes the love we receive in return is not what or how we expect love. And there are times love stands before us and we never acknowledge its presence.
Love does come in many forms. We are always given exactly what we need when we need it. We only need to recognize it and acknowledge it within our own lives.
The point you’re at in your life, is giving you a second chance to redefine who you are, what you truly believe and what you really wish to create within your life. It’s an opportunity to re establish your hopes and dreams.
Your life has been in crisis mode and will intensify if you continue as is.
You are being presented with an opportunity to be true to yourself, regain your personal power and heal your life.
I will not give you any false impressions, this process is liberating but not necessarily an easy one. You will need to reopen your heart and reattach to your emotions. (pleasant & painful) But, allow them to resurface. Upon resurfacing, you’ll need to experience them before you can release them.
This can be challenging to say the least. The challenge is not to repeat our past efforts and suppress these feelings again, but to release them and be free forever.
Once, released you can look at them objectivity without attachment and reevaluate them. It’s through this process that we can identify and break past patterns that are no longer beneficial or in our best interest. It is at this point we can see the larger picture and open ourselves to compassion and forgiveness of others as well as ourselves.
This is coming into your truth and your personal power. Taking responsibility for ourselves and rediscovering who we truly are. Being True to ones self. This may be a 6-week, 6 month, 6 year or a lifetime process. Regardless of the time frame, allow yourself this time to rediscover you and heal past wounds.
You are being given an opportunity to heal, grow and reach a higher potential then you even imagined. But, you will have to let go of your anger, pain, and fears. Let the past go and allow yourself to realize, you’ve grown beyond those situations, that all that has happened has been for a higher purpose. One you may not be able to see currently for you are within it’s midst. But, in time and with healing you’ll understand how your life has led you to this point.
Your life is changing on many levels – this change will begin as an internal realization, and manifest into changes effecting your health, habits, relationships, career, family and core thoughts and beliefs.
You will need to do something different within your life. Allow illusions and previous limitations to fall away. Only you can decide what is best for you. But you have a larger purpose, if you choose it. The universe will present you with opportunities, pay attention and acknowledge them as they come in.
If you continue as is, I have seen you slide into a deep depression, an emergence of anger and resentment, self – destructive patterns and little happiness. I also see this leading to serious effects upon your health.
You need to pay attention to your health and own needs. As you tend to ignore these, your stress and frustration levels seem to be increasing and depression lingers, leaving you vulnerable.
The result will be the body compromising causing you affliction or illness. You need to rest the body, ensure you’re getting the nourishment the body requires and reduce the stress and chaos surrounding you. Let go of the fears, negative thoughts and energies and try to refocus upon the positives – for your thoughts create your reality.
Please understand, this is not judging you in anyway and my intention is not to place fear within. To allow you an opportunity to see beyond your normal perceptions. This is in hopes of giving you a deeper understanding and new insights.
I realize these are things you may be looking at already, or even something you’re resisting. The decision is yours; you always have free will. Follow your heart and do what “feels” right for you. Don’t over think or analyze it. Allow your heart and intuition to guide you.
This is one of the most frustrating aspects of what I do: Having the ability to see these things and not being able to do anything. I can only voice what I have been given. The rest is up to you. I can offer to help and assist – but not unless you ask.
If you need me, know that I will be there. Just know in your heart that you are never alone. There are those around you, beyond your current perceptions who do sincerely care and want to see you succeed.
You deserve love and happiness. Allow these things to flow into your life. Release your fears and embrace your dreams. You’re at a cross road and new beginnings – reach for your dreams. The only limitations are those you place upon yourself.
I know change can be intimidating, even if it’s for the good. I’m going through a similar process as I am evolving as well. So, I do understand some of what you’re experiencing. Very often those around us are like mirrors – we see the reflection of ourselves in them.
Sometimes fear can stop us dead in our tracks, just before we achieve our inspiration and resolution. So, when things become their darkest – just remember- it’s then that the storm is about to break.
Please know: I’m not judging you in any way. In reality, I have already accepted you for who you are and I love you deeply.
I would never do anything to hurt you and only have your highest interest at heart. I will respect and honor, what ever direction you decide upon and shall continue to support you in your journey.
This is your time to heal and evolve into deeper understanding and higher potentials. Open your heart and listen, for I am, found only within.
With Sincere Love,
Your Beloved Soul
Choose Love ~ Live Consciously