discordant energies. We are entering a time of accelerated manifestation. A time
to be consciously aware of where your default thoughts and programs fall.
Consciously choose to stand in your truth and allow your inner wisdom to guide
you. The polarities of energies may appear extreme, do not get caught up in the
mass media, the fear & chaos of the outside world. Remain centered in love,
standing in your truth and moving forward fearlessly in alignment of that which
brings peace within and serves your divine sovereignty.
Many are or shall begin experiencing, moving through various frequencies and
multidimensional experiences as we begin to move towards those realities that
resonate within our vibrational compatibility. Focus on maintaining the highest
vibration possible at all times.
Breathe deeply, discern and ask what serves your highest good and the highest
good of all. Be open to new information, more truths being revealed and illusions falling.
Open your heart and listen, listen to your body consciousness, to your divinity and trust
only that which resonates deeply within your heart and soul. Allow your divinity to guide
you though the changing landscapes and into your highest potentials through expanding
perceptions and new awareness. As all realign, be kind, patient and compassionate with
oneself understanding that we are moving through our own processes and evolution.
Release all that no longer serves your highest good, reclaim your divine sovereignty and
embrace all that you are. The time is now.
Choose Love ~♥~ Live Consciously