The new energies bring shifts upon many subtle levels that will begin to bump into our old ways of thinking or doing. Move into into a place of sacred nuetrality, begin to explore your own power, your own gifts and intuition to ground the new alchemy and explore beyond your previous limitations.
We have enter into the new frequencies and the rules have changed.
Every soul has been gifted with new refined tools and abilities to move forward with more ease and grace. It is our responsibility to discover them for ourselves, heal and present them to the world.
Any imbalances, misalignments of our new harmonic resonance will be brought to our attention to be addressed and healed.
If we find resistance within our life, challenges or hardships, these are opportunities to re-evaluate your ourselves and our intentions.
Be open and flexible to new ideas and embrace the unknown through trust and discernment. Explore different possibilities, play with the new energies and be creative. Connect to your heart intelligence, the innate body consciousness and trust within your intuition.
Consciously choose to move in the direction of love, peace and balance within you. Listen to your inner guidance and trust your inner knowningness. Explore your possibiliites and gifts with the awe and the wonderment of a child.
Remember your divinity and all that you are.
Choose Love ~ <3 ~ Live Consciously