The new energies will lead you to learning how to walk between worlds, the old 3rd dimensional paradigm and limitations into new experiences of expanded awareness, acclimating to new energies, feelings, truths and gifts.
You may vacillate between the two until you acclimate fully. Do not get discourage, as this is only temporary until you master the new energies at this level. This process shall continue as we evolve into higher octaves of increasing frequencies.
The changes within the outside world, will be reflections of where we stand individually and collectively. Some changes will be subtle while others may be profound shifts on various levels. Within the flow of new information, do not discard or react out of fear, triggers or old reactions. Move into a place of observation, sacred neutrality and non judgment. Breathe and allow time to process the new information. Allow yourself the luxury of not overthinking, but allow the information to flow through your heart. Feel it, does it resonate, is it something you already knew on a deeper level? Trust within and follow only that which resonates within you, an inner knowingness and that which brings peace and balance.
During this time, our bodies will continue to shift, presenting ascension symptoms as we continue to shift on sub-atomic, atomic and cellular levels.
As we acclimate to the higher frequencies and our personal and collective vibration continues to rise, there will be a continuous releasing of the old, energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically.
This will also be reflective within the body of our beloved planet, Mother Earth as she and all celestial bodies in our solar system are not exempt from this process.
Trust in your intuition, pay attention to your dreams, passions as they shall reveal new directions and potentials as we move forward.
The world is awakening, there is a force motivated by love to uplift humanity and all life. Freeing us from our own limitations, helping us to remember and realigning us with our personal truths and truths beyond our current perceptions.
Choose Love ~ Live Consciously