People can only love and give of themselves to their capacity. If they, themselves are limited, out of balance or come from dysfunction, those expectations naturally will become disappointments and frustration. If we begin to create or continue this cycle of seeking fulfillment outside of ourselves, then we begin to question our value and our own lovability.
No one holds your value or self worth, this must come from within.
As we recognize and accept the limitations of others without judgment or feeling rejected, we can release the illusions and the expectations of an insane world of seeking to find love, peace, health & wealth outside of ourselves.
Even in today's society of competition, acceptance and keeping up with the latest trends, accelerates these patterns and programs keeping us separated and distracted from finding ourselves. Keeping us from finding our authentic truth, true love, peace and happiness we truly deserve.
When we look beyond the illusion and begin to seek within, we will find an array of different aspects of ourselves. There will be hidden treasures and gifts, there will be shadows and old wounds that need to be healed and realigned through love, compassion and understanding. There will be fears that may surface to push us beyond our limitations and self imposed prisons.
Life is about a journey of self discovery, a journey moving us beyond our fears, limitations and returning us to our authentic state of being. Returning us to fulfilment within ourselves, embracing our divinity, allowing us to move beyond duality and separation, back into the natural flow of creation. Granting us the ability to heal and liberate all that we are and finding the peace, love and balance within ourselves.
Each of us a reflection of divinity, a thread within the web of life. Every heart and every soul brings value and unique gifts to heal the individual as well as the whole.
Do not underestimate your value, your power or your potential ....
The key is self love and acceptance, the path is your own heart and the destination: your divinity.
Choose Love ~♥~Live Consciously