of our human mind.
Now we come into a time where our awareness is unfolding, expanding beyond previous limitations and integrating more insight on multiple levels. We begin to remember crazy, abstract or discombobulated visions as our reference points begin to grow and our ability to articulate expands. It is our subconscious
resolving and releasing all old programs and unresolved emotions and situations finding resolution beyond our awaken state. This is moving us beyond our limited reference points, expanding our ability to integrate multidimensional experiences into our conscious understanding.
We will learn to gather our reference points within our hearts, utilizing discernment and trusting our
intuition just beyond the reach of mental or ego filters. As we acclimate to the new dream experiences through our inner knowing, our minds will open to new understanding and gaining expanded reference points re-wiring our ability to process information and knowledge from extra sensory sources moving us beyond our current perceptions.
All new realities and new worlds must be seeded within the dream time. It is through the spiritual intention merging with the expansion of consciousness returning to love that shall birth miraculous and
wondrous waves of evolution within the human heart.
Each of us a seed within the collective consciousness of infinite possibilities.
Choose Love ~♥~ Live Consciously
© Diane Finn 2014. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided
with author and copyright information included. Thank You.