Today is officially the Chinese New Year, birthing the Red Fire Monkey under the New Moon ...... expect profound shifts and changes. Everything will begin to shift as we are entering a time of acceleration. Please fasten your seat belts as this ride is about to begin. The ebbs of energy shifts shall be increasing with more intensity and more often.
Transcending energetic and dimensional realities can and often are painful. This is a discussion many choose to ignore. We are not only transcending vibrational frequencies, but our bodies must undergo a physical transformation. As we increase our vibrational frequencies, our bodies must acclimate to the frequency change. As we increase frequency the body needs to create more room for movement and to integrate the expanding light. It is often the denser, more resistant and unhealed parts that cause energetic blocks which manifests as discomfort and pain, otherwise known as ascension symptoms.
There will be some with energy blocks in the body that shall surface, where we can no longer dismiss or ignore our pain. We must not only acknowledge the blocks within the physical body, but must look deeper beneath any physical pain or discomfort, to the emotional triggers and unhealed parts of our being. The new energies will not be so forgiving, pushing us to do our work(s). We must release, heal and forgive all that we have suppressed in our emotional and physical bodies. We must recognize our triggers, our automatic default programs & reactions and dig down to the root cause to heal the broken and shattered pieces within ourselves.
We also must look at dismantling our old programs, reviewing our thought process and realigning our ego. Re-evaluating all we thought we knew, letting go of all the illusions, re-evaluating our core beliefs, ideals and thoughts that are out of balance with the truth that resonates within our heart. It's about going into the depths of all that you are, where you fear what you may find, to heal all the imbalances, let go of all that no longer resonates within your truth or serves your highest good. It's about moving through volumes of distractions and projections of others, to discover more of you. Perceptions and beliefs will be challenged as a means to break your limitations to broaden your awareness. As you are redefining all that you knew, new directions, passions and dreams shall reveal themselves.
There will be physical transformations beginning from the sub atomic level, through the atomic and the cellular levels transforming from within, as the new frequencies, encodements and templates stream through our bodies. Our energetic bodies expand and our light bodies activate bringing new awareness, gifts and expanded consciousness.
Our inner transformations shall be reflected in the world around us. As there is no aspect of our reality that will not be affected.
Mother Earth shall also move through the same shifts and changes, realigning and recalibrating herself to heal all miss-creations and imbalances.
We are being squeeze through the eye of the needle. the alchemical transformation from lead to gold.
Consciously expand your awareness, listen to the body consciousness, trust within inner guidance and intuition. Do your work, heal, let go, forgive and allow your radiance to bring fourth it's light. Allow your uniqueness, your gifts and your brilliance to shine. For once you begin to emit your light, you begin to sing your original soul song. It is then, that your soul tribes will begin to hear your call and a gathering of like minded hearts shall gather as one.
This transition shall be accelerated and far beyond what we've ever experienced within this reality. The waves of new energies come fourth from the Eternal Sacred Source and the heart of all creation, through the natural cycles of organic evolution. The birthing of our new beingness, channeled through the light of our sun and love of our earthly mother.
Focus on being positive & maintaining your highest vibrational frequencies. Bring love, peace and balance within. Be gracious and kind. Open your heart to all possibilities and choose the path that resonates true to you.
Choose Love ~ Live Consciously