There is a stream of underlying hope beneath the surface as changes continue to unfold.
When humanity awakens and acknowledges all the imbalances and injustice within this reality, then it becomes our responsibility individually and collectively not to engage in old energies and/or programmed reactions.
Collectively, we must step outside of our comfort zone, endure some discomfort and seek resolution from a new vantage point.
Change is often challenging, only in our limited perspectives of trying to hold onto the old status quo or the mentality of that's how we always did it.
As change unfolds, new information emerges and we must be willing to look through eyes of neutrality and let go of our own thoughts, beliefs and expectations. Access the situation from a higher perspective free from previous programs and agendas to truly gain a deeper understanding and insight.
As we transition through change, we undergo a process of re-evaluating ourselves, looking at what truly works within our life and that which brings peace, balance and resolution. All that remains out of balance is that which we must let go, as it represents old energies, old paradigms and previous limitations.
We must be willing to look at and consider new ways of seeing, new ways of thinking and new ways of moving forward.
Pain and suffering are a result of continuing to move forward without the foresight or ability to shift our old perceptions into new ways of being.
We are in a period of time that humanity is being triggered, old patterns, beliefs, ideals and limitations are being challenged. We must become aware of the transition within ourselves and that of the outside world. It is only then we can stop and take a moment to breathe and reflect upon the bigger picture. What are the messages within the challenge and where is attempting to lead us?
We are outgrowing the old ways, we are evolving not necessarily by choice but by circumstances and the new information being presented.
Where once the ego and mental process led us with little regard to consequences or impacts upon others, we now find the opening of our hearts and expansion of our consciousness begin to move us to looking beyond ourselves and into the affect upon others.
We begin to understand our challenge, is not ours alone. That we must put down our differences, walk with others, share in our insights, gifts and wisdom. We must bridge our differences, unify in our resources to find resolution through cooperation.
The more divided we become, the more we give our power and gifts away.
The time has come to heal all forms of separation, within ourselves and the world around us.
Choose Love ~♥~ Live Consciously